These terms and conditions apply to your (“you”, “Your”) use of the Nuyoo service and the Nuyoo website and create a binding agreement between You and Nuyoo respectively.
The promoter and service provider is, a brand name of
2 Manor Farm Court,
Old Wolverton Road,
Old Wolverton,
Milton Keynes,
MK12 5NN
Tel: 0330 122 8604
We always do our best to meet the needs of those who contact us, but we appreciate that sometimes you can find yourself in a situation where you are not happy with the service that has been provided. If you would like to make a complaint regarding the contact you have had with, or the service you have received from us, then this policy sets out the process for you to use.
Any and all complaints will be dealt with appropriately, and will be investigated by a member of staff within the company with sufficient seniority to resolve the issues. While dealing with your complaint we promise to be respectful of you at all times, in turn we expect the same behaviour towards our staff. All customer service calls are recorded and our staff reserve the right to terminate any call in which they feel abused or threatened.
The majority of all complaints can be handled and resolved at the first point of contact, however this is not always possible. We aim to complete all investigations and resolve all complaints within 10 working days of the complaint being made.
How to make a complaint
All complaints can be made by telephone or by email using the below information:
Telephone: 0330 122 8604
If you are being billed via PayForIt Telephone: 0330 122 8604
For your complaint to be properly registered please provide us with the following information:
Your full name, preferred contact method, number and email address
Your postal address, so that communication in writing can be made where necessary
Full details of the complaint including any dealings you may have had with us, or any of the services we provide. We would suggest you advise of what happened, when it happened, who you dealt with if anyone, what you would like further clarification on, why you think what has happened is wrong and what you would like us to do to put things right.
All of the above information will be kept confidential and private, to be used for the sole purpose of investigating and responding to the complaint made. This information will not be provided to any third parties unless absolutely necessary in order to fully investigate the complaint, by lodging a complaint, you are agreeing that this can occur.
People who can complain
A complaint can be made by either someone who has received services from or relating to SB7 Mobile Ltd, or a representative of the above described service user. Where a representative wishes to make a complaint on behalf of someone else, they may be required to provide proof that they have the permission of the service user to make the complaint or query on their behalf.
After a complaint has been made
Where a complaint is made in person or over the telephone:
A written record of the complaint will be made and kept, which can be provided upon request.
A recording of the phone call will be made where possible
All complaints will receive a response within 5 working days, however if further investigation is necessary before an explanation/resolution can be provided, then we aim to resolve your complaint within 10 working days. In responding to your complaint, we will follow the procedures set out in this policy unless other guidelines are agreed with the complainant, and will ensure that:
You understand how to progress your complaint and are kept informed of this.
You are made aware of the outcome of your complaint promptly
Your complaint and the information you provide to us is treated in confidence
We will tell you what steps we intend to take to remedy any complaint that is upheld.
Complaints should be made as soon as possible after the incident giving rise to the complaint. We do expect all complaints to be current; however we will accept a historic complaint if we are satisfied that:
The complainant can give a valid reason for not making the complaint sooner, and
Despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly
It is important for the complainant to be aware that if their complaint involves disputing the use of, or registration to one of our services, they may be required to provide evidence which confirms their claim (E.G. a copy of the mobile phone bill). As with all other personal information, in any instance where the complainant is required to provide additional information or documentation, this will only be used for the sole purpose of investigating and responding to the complaint made, and will be kept confidential and private.
All complainants have the right to refer their complaint on to the appropriate governing body if they are unhappy with the outcome of our investigation, however this referral must be made by the complainant and will not be made by SB7 Mobile Ltd on the complainant’s behalf.
All complainants will be given the opportunity to receive an acknowledgement letter or email upon request. This will discuss not only the complaint itself, but the manner in which the complaint has so far been handled and the period in which the investigation of the complaint is likely to be completed.
Once a complaint has been dealt with
Once investigations have been completed, upon request, a report can be provided which includes:
A detailed explanation of how the complaint has been considered
The conclusions reached, including any and all remedial action needed, and
Confirmation that any action needed has either already been taken or, if not yet taken, the proposed timescale when such action will be completed
A letter/email will be sent to the complainant where necessary, confirming all of the above information and reminding them of their right to take the matter further if they are unhappy with the outcome.
In circumstances where the response/final outcome of the investigation is not ready within 10 working days we will notify the complainant accordingly and explain the reason why.
Further advice
If for any reason you are not happy with our response, you can refer your complaint, to CommsADR, who are authorised by the Government under the Alternative Dispute Resolution service for the purposes of consumer disputes (competent authorities and information) regulations 2015, to provide an independent review of complaints and dispute resolution services. You can visit their website via the following link:
Nuyoo is willing to submit itself to its ADR procedure and be bound by its decisions.
As a consumer, you are afforded free redress and we would urge you use the approved ADR provider to review your complaint and provide their impartial and independent conclusion.